Climate ChangeDisaster Risk Reduction Why we can’t call them ‘Climate Refugees’ Professor Mo Hamza discusses the impact of climate change on human mobility.Mo Hamza17 June, 2024
Disaster Risk Reduction Financing Disaster Resilience – The Asian Development Bank Steve Goldfinch from the Asian Development Bank explains how targeted investment is reducing disaster risk in the Asia Pacific.Steven Goldfinch13 December, 2023
Response & Recovery Disaster Diplomacy in the Middle East Dr Albrecht Beck discusses how shared risks from natural hazards helped build disaster diplomacy in one of the most complex areas in the world.Dr Abrecht Beck20 November, 2023
Disaster Risk Reduction Thereโs no such thing as a ‘natural’ disaster It's time to say goodbye to 'natural' disasters. We speak with Kevin Blanchard, researcher and founder of the #NoNaturalDisasters twitter campaign, about why there's no…Kevin Blanchard26 July, 2020