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Research as far back as 1992 indicates a disturbing trend in Australia, with increased violence and aggression from men towards woman after a disaster. Today Josh and Andrew are exploring this hidden disaster – the rise in domestic violence following a disaster, such as a bushfire or flood.

What can emergency managers to reduce this violent behaviour altogether? Experts Dr Debra Parkinson and Steve O’Malley AFSM from Gender and Disaster Australia join the show to discuss their research and links between disasters and increased violence towards women. They examine how societal expectations of gender roles can exacerbate relationship issues under the pressure of a disaster, and how expectations of masculinity, such as being strong and self-reliant, can discourage seeking help and lead to misdirected coping behaviours.

The panel consider practical steps that can be taken to prepare for and address domestic violence in disaster planning, response and long-term recovery, including through policy, cultural competency training, mental health support and addressing underlying social factors that enable violence against women.

Gender and Disaster Australia (GADAus) is an Australian organisation established to provide evidence-based education, training and resources to address the harmful impacts of gendered expectations in disaster.

Dr Debra Parkinson is Executive Director of GADAus and is a social researcher and globally recognised researcher in the field of gender and disaster. She is an Adjunct Research Fellow at Monash University Disaster Resilience Institute (MUDRI) and has led extensive research, policy and advocacy work in the womenโ€™s health sector for over 25 years.

Steve Oโ€™Malley AFSM is a Senior Leading Firefighter and the current Manager of Emergency Management sector engagement at Gender and Disaster Australia. He has been an operational firefighter for more than 30 years and is an experienced trainer and passionate presenter on gender, diversity and inclusion and passionate advocate for a more equitable and fairer society for all.

If this episode has raised issues for you, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) in Australia. If you are in NZ contact Shine on 0508 744 633, in the UK contact Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 or in the United States call 1800 799 7233.

Dr Debra Parkinson

Dr Debra Parkinson is Executive Director of GADAus and is a social researcher and globally recognised researcher in the field of gender and disaster.